Airgases Projects with its relationship with critical OEM's can supply genuine spare parts at competitive prices with full quality assurance. Airgases Projects also has ability to develop reliable import substitution of critical spares not available through OEM.

Airgases Projects team supports its customer in specifying and procuring suitable spare parts. Having access to OEM enables our team to quickly and clearly identify the required parts. In the event particular spare parts are not available or no more manufactured due to technical changes our team can specify a suitable alternative. Further our close relationship with OEM allows us to provide to our customers spare parts of best possible quality at a reasonable price, and quickly delivered.

We offer following benefits to our customers:

  • Proper  identification of the suitable spare part
  • Recommend and specify alternatives spares wherever required
  • Real value for money and quick delivery
  • Assist in planning inventory of spares and analysis of the warehouse stock